The SunPost

What started out as a typical small-town weekly covering Miami Beach (the Sun-Reporter) has, since 1985, become a regional news force distributed in 15 Miami-Dade cities (from Coral Gables to Aventura) in two zoned editions. Even Miami News Times has blessed its aggressiveness, calling it "the responsible newspaper this community needs." The SunPost declares a circulation of 50,00, and it's arguably the best-designed small newspaper in South Florida.


Anonymous said...

If you ever freelance for them, it will take several months and invoices to actually get paid.

Anonymous said...

They are now looking for freelancers but I've heard they have a tendency not to pay their writers unless the writer sends them multiple invoices and practically begs for payment.

Can anyone shed some insight into this?

Anonymous said...

DO NOT work for this company unless you want to sue to get paid. They are bankrupt (documents are on file with bankrupcy courts show them in debt to everyone) have several outstanding lawsuits from former writers, are being investigated by the Federal government, and recently lost their entire staff due to non-payment of payroll. Which is also why there's no editor.