Miami Today

Despite its name, Miami Today is published weekly by its founder, publisher, and editor Michael Lewis. He's the paper and the paper is him. With a self-declared circulation of 32,000, Lewis targets business and civic leaders – "South Florida's Most Important Audience" is the slogan on the masthead. Unlike other small-newspaper publishers, Lewis has a news background and insists on the same from his staff. A former senior editor at the old Miami News, he's demanded straight news and nothing but ever since the first issue in 1983. Feature writers need not apply.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you're starting out, I can't think of a better place to get a hard news grounding than Miami Today. The paper has an excellent reputation and you'll meet anyone whose anyone in Miami. There are challenges, of course -- the paper is published with a very lean staff -- but that seems to be par for the course here.